Tuesday, February 23, 2010

We have began the training process...

last Monday we met with our staff member from Eliada.  She is so calm and collected which helps ease our tension of the unknowns.  Upon leaving she left us our 'homework'. The notebook before me seems quite daunting with its four inch stature. It contains six books that will help Judson and I further investigate and prepare for what is ahead.  So far I have completed the first book and Judson is about half way.  After we each read through an entire book, we meet with our foster care person to further discuss our readings and she will answer any questions we accumulate.

It is scary and exciting to begin and come closer to bringing a child into our home, hopefully forever, yet we realize we are opening a page in our lives that has no direction or ending. We have no idea of what to expect, whom to expect, and how much our lives will change through this.  Regardless this is our path, this is our calling and we know that if we stay prayer bound all things will work together for our best!!!