Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What now?

Well everyone the time has come to say......(drum roll)


Our paperwork will be sent off today to the State Department and hopefully approved!!  There are still things we will need to do before being able to accept children in, but we have made it and are right at the finish line!!!

We are in desperate need of prayers, specifically for direction.  We are not sure what God wants from us whether we are to adopt straight away, if so what age, what child, etc... or if he wants us to foster.  Judson and I both are not feeling complete peace about fostering but don't feel God leading us away from or towards it and have chosen to keep all doors open at this time until we feel His direction.  All we know is that we are being obedient to the calling in growing our family in this manner, but now there are many forks ahead of us. It is amazing to see that situations we previously said we would not feel comfortable with are becoming possibilities. All we can do at this time is stay moldable and ready!
Once our paperwork is approved by the state, we will meet with a consultant and the intake coordinator to discuss what options we feel comfortable with.  We are hoping by then we will have a clearer picture of things and our future as a soon-to-be complete family!!

Thank you so much for your support, well wishes, and prayers.  I truly love knowing that I have friends, family, and complete strangers praying for us!!! You all mean so much to us and more importantly to the child(ren) that will be in our family one day soon!

God Bless

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Foster Care Training-NOT for the faint of heart!

We have finished all the books last week in our meeting and this week we are wrapping up everything with our trainer.  I am just so excited to see this process finally near an end!!!

There were/are so many hoops that must be jumped through at times I see why so many people choose not to Foster, it is simply a DAUNTING process!! We have joked it would be easier for taliban to move here and join the US Army!!!

We have had to do or get; six non-relative reference letters, fire inspections, physicals (including Lorelei!!), TB screenings, CPR/First Aid training, FBI & local background checks, fingerprinted, home safety inspections, show that our pets are vaccinated, attend a class on how to document medicating a child, car insurance, license check...and the list goes on!!

BUT the bottom line is that in the end, what matters is that we have helped a child(ren) to have a better future!!

I thank God that he gave us this desire and pray that the rest goes smoothly! After Judson is able to obtain his physical, TB and we both attend CPR/First Aid, we will then be sent off for processing into the system.  It will be out of our hands soon!

Thank you for your continued outpouring of support and prayers!!