Saturday, September 12, 2015

paperwork...and then some more!

Adoption equals paperwork. Lots and lots of paperwork.

After all it is meticulously documenting the uniting of children to a forever family, so it is to be expected.  Also in the realm of adoption paperwork is delays, many delays. Since referral our agency here in the US and their counterparts in Ethiopia have been feverishly accumulating documents to submit our case to the US government in hopes of a favorable letter that will allow us to proceed in bringing our kiddos home.  As paperwork has come in, many have had errors. From translation, to bad reference numbers, to incorrect dates, we have had it all.


Thank goodness for but!! But, all of our papers are in and we are submitted to the US government and hopefully due to the diligence of our agency, we will not have any issues and will receive the green light to proceed to the next step which is obtaining a court date in Ethiopia to legally adopt our kiddos!

Please be in prayer for us, specifically for these needs:

  • no delays or requests from the US government parties that review our paperwork
  • a fast court date issued by the Ethiopian courts
  • prayers as we try begin preparation for our trip, including trying to schedule to meet with the kiddos' biological family to obtain photos, memories, and information about them we feel may be great to have as they begin to question where they were from and about their Ethiopian family
  • that we can get moved into our new home quickly and make it home for our precious kiddos
  • pray that we would have wisdom and discernment as we begin to make plans on what life will need to look like once we bring them home (adoption cocooning, when to integrate extended family, when to attempt school, etc...)